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How to promote a webinar or live streamed event

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

How to promote a webinar or live streamed event

Planning a webinar or live streamed event can take a lot of effort, time and money but if no one watches it then it will all have been in vain.

Below we have some tips to help you.

Target the right audience

The best webinars work with the audience in mind. You can use data, personas, customers, or ideal customers to map out the right content that speakers to the right audience.

There are loads of strategies for audience development. Just remember that finding your niche can be a lifelong calibration for some content producers and pro marketers. There’s nothing more fulfilling to a good marketer or creator than reaching their audience where they are.

Let us build the webinar landing page

Webinar's are best viewed on a designated website page. Our team can build you a page like this. It will be fully branded and designed to your needs including pictures, agenda, Q&A boxes and any other information you require. We have our own un-branded website which hosts the page.

Promote your webinar / event

Broadcast events should have their own dedicated promotions or articles. Targeted email, social, and video campaigns are strongly suggested. The sooner you start this process the better, we suggest at least 2 - 4 weeks.

Send an email

Send an email reminder or nudge on the day of the event.

Don’t forget to say thank you

Post-event follow-ups are a key part of the experience. Typically, organisations wait 24 hours after the webinar or broadcast to send a thank you. Be sure to include a link to the on-demand version of the event.

Let us edit a highlights reel

Repurposing your live webinar or event into on-demand content will give you the most for your investment.

If you're had multiple speakers, why not release a talk each and every month until the next event?

To drive further engagement make sure your content is accessible to all. Adding captions make it possible for those with diverse levels of aural abilities, language comprehension skills, and learning styles to enjoy your content.

If you need any further help and advice please do contact us.


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